Where can i contact you ?

- The best you can do for contacting me is to add me on Discord (Likorrne#8294) or dm me on Twitter (@likorrne).

What contain a 16x/32x Texture pack ?

- It contain : 73 items (sword,tools,gapple,bow...), 12 models (armor), 14 blocks(ore,ore blocks), 3 particules(sharpness,critical...), 2 sky(day,night) and 3 GUI (hotbar,icons,inventory). The rest of the pack are filled with athor texture pack like infinite 16x or the 1.14 normal texture pack.

How work the overlay/custom texture commissions ?

- You first choose how many texture you need (items,armors models,blocks) and the desciption of every texture individualy, the price are for one texture or one type of texture at the time(exemple, if i want 2 16x items, it will cost me : 3 Eur).

What information i should give you for my order ?

- You should give me : whats your type of order (overlay,16x texture pack...), the principal element of your texture idea (colors,univers,what you should use to...), if you need extra option, if its an overlay/custom texture, the amount of them and the description of each texture.

What type of shading methode are you using ?

- I am using handshade methode, but I can switch for another technic.

How much time it take to have my commission complete ?

- Usually it take me 2-3 week to make a texture pack, but it can take much more time.